Antonio's Card
By: Rigoberto González

Antonio loves words, because words have the power to express feelings like love, pride, or hurt. Mother's Day is coming soon, and Antonio searches for the words to express his love for his mother and her partner, Leslie.

Grandson and grandmother with loteria card
By: René Colato Laínez
Illustrated by:

Product Description: Together a little boy and his grandma discover a world of language through la lotería, a Mexican game similar to Bingo, and realize that loved ones have special ways of understanding each other.

By: Amy Costalas
Illustrated by:

Product Description: Jose is not sure what to expect when his grandmother from Mexico moves in…except that he will certainly have to change his ways. What he discovers is that he doesn't mind one bit.

grandma with grandson
By: Tony Johnston
Illustrated by:

"Abuelita's hair is the color of salt. Her face is as crinkled as a dried chile. She booms out words as wild as blossoms blooming.

By: Birte Müller

"When Abuelita dies, Felipa misses her a great deal. When she is told that people's souls live on forever, she asks the donkey, the pig, and the llamas where her grandmother is hiding. They do not tell her.

Illustration of Burro making tortillas
By: Terri Fields
Illustrated by:

Product Description: In this humorous Southwestern retelling of "The Little Red Hen," Burro finds it difficult to get any help from his friends as he diligently works to turn corn into tortillas.
