By: Malín Alegría

For as long as Estrella Alvarez can remember, her mother has been planning to throw her an elaborate quinceañera for her fifteenth birthday — complete with a mariachi band, cheesy decorations, and a hideous dress.

By: Gary Soto

"Pivotal moments in the lives of California Latino teens and tweens provide the starting points for Soto's collection of 10 new stories.

By: Julia Alvarez

Product Description: Milly Kaufman is an ordinary American teenager living in Vermont — until she meets Pablo, a new student at her high school.

By: René Saldaña, Jr.

"Saldaña's collection of short stories and one brief novella offers snapshots of teens' lives.

By: Pura Belpré

"In this turn-of-the-century novel, seventh-grader Teresa attends school in San Juan and travels home in time to celebrate the Feast of the Cross with her extended family, friends, and plantation workers on her parents' finca…Belpré submitted

By: Donald R. Gallo

Product Description: Fleeing from political violence in Venezuela, Amina and her family have settled in the United States. Sarah, adopted, is desperate to know her Korean birth parents.

By: Lyn Miller-Lachmann

Product Description: Daniel's papá, Marcelo, used to play soccer, dance the cueca, and drive his kids to school in a beat-up green taxi — all while publishing an underground newspaper that exposed Chile's military regime.

By: Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez

"'Until recently, my dad seemed to realize he was a hopeless geek,' says 16-year-old Pasquala 'Paski' Archuleta, who moves from Taos to Orange County, California, after her cartoonist dad sells the film option for one of his stories; Paski's drifter mo

By: Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Product Description: On the surface, Ramiro Lopez and Jake Upthegrove couldn't live more different lives.

By: Mike Lupica

Product Description: Michael Arroyo has a pitching arm that throws serious heat. But his firepower is nothing compared to the heat Michael faces in his day-to-day life.
