By: Joyce Markovics
Who was the uninvited guest found munching in a California office? It was a ringtail! Though sometimes called a cat, the small, winsome mammal is related to the raccoon.
By: Nic Bishop
Snakes are presented through up-close and personal image and text for and engaging, informative look at a host of colorful and handsome reptiles.
By: David Carter
Complex engineered paper constructions create a series of worlds in which viewers are encouraged to locate various objects. In one, "Five black spots, four blossoms blue" and more are hidden in a lush garden that emerges from a red page.
By: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Illustrated by:

Perhaps one of the best known speeches of the 20th century, Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" has been combined with lush paintings in a large format for a new generation. Included in this stunning book is a CD of Dr. King's original speech.

By: Jacqueline Kelly
Illustrated by:
Toad, Mole, Rat and Badger are back in this sequel to Kenneth Grahame's 1908 Wind in the Willows. Though several new characters are introduced, the lush language evokes the original saga and may lead readers to revisit the original.
By: Marilyn Singer
Illustrated by:

Textured collage and paint illustration and various poetic forms are used to introduce creatures that live in difficult, dangerous places.

Starry River of the Sky
By: Grace Lin

Rendi, a self-centered, unhappy boy runs away from home and winds up in a sad town. Storytelling, however, instigated by a mysterious newcomer allows Rendi to mature and help the villagers.

By: Shelley Rotner
Illustrated by:
"Every day you do so many things. How does your body do them?" begins this brief, informative look at the human body and its systems (e.g., digestive, skeletal, etc.). Color photographs with overlays further enhance the engaging presentation.
By: Brian Biggs
Follow a boy and his parents to the airport, on the plane, and through a bit of aviation history for an informative look at flying.
By: Maurie Manning
As a young shoeshine boy tries to return the red scarf that floats down to him, he meets a host of people from different backgrounds. He finally locates the rightful owner of the scarf and winds up with a happy surprise.
