By: Sing-A-Lingo

En Mi Casa/In My House is a lovely collection of 17 Spanish tunes centered around a child's typical day-from "En la Mañana/In the Morning" to dinnertime "Pon la Mesa/Set the Table" to "Buenas Noches/Good Night".

By: Putumayo Kids

Product Description: Putumayo invites children of all ages on a fun and educational musical journey through Latin America with Latin Playground, a collection of upbeat songs by well- known artists from Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and more.

By: Bonnie Christensen
The voice of an old, blind Galileo Galilei is used to look back on a life that started in Pisa where early on he challenged tradition.
By: Robert Burleigh
Illustrated by:
Who is Henry David Thoreau? What would it be like to spend a day with him? A contemporary boy depicted in blue jeans and a t-shirt knocks at his door and meets the 19th century Thoreau, as the imaginative text fills in what it might have been like.
Martín de Porres: The Rose in the Desert
By: Gary Schmidt
Illustrated by:

Martin and his sister grew up in a Lima, Peru barrio, children of an African slave and a Spanish nobleman. Martin was apprenticed to a cirujano, would join a Dominican monastery, and later become sought after as a healer.
