By: Vicki Cobb
Everyone eats so naturally, the kitchen is the place to discover more about it. Chemistry is with us every day and in many ways, introduced in an informative, conversational text and easy-to-do activities with readily available materials.
By: Deborah Hopkinson
Illustrated by:

Anne Sullivan arrived at the Keller home in 1887, writing letters to a friend about how she worked with a deaf and blind girl named Helen.

By: Rosemary Wells
Illustrated by:
Ivy lives on a Nevada ranch with her parents. During the summer of 1949, with her best friend gone, Ivy's gentle ways and affinity for animals leads to unexpected adventures and a job with a veterinarian, causing Ivy to dream of one day becoming one.
By: Linda Trice
Illustrated by:

Kenya is looking for a favorite song to share with her class. She and her father attend a Caribbean music festival in search of it — but Kenya doesn't find it there. Instead, she creates an original song that celebrates everyone's music!

By: Robert Burleigh
Illustrated by:

Meet Henrietta Leavitt, a 19th-century scientific pioneer. From careful observations, Leavitt discovered that the brightness of a star determines its distance from Earth, helping us better understand the vastness of the universe.

By: Simon James
When Clementine Brown gets and a first-aid kit for her birthday, she takes her medical role quite seriously. Nothing is too small for Clementine to handle including helping her little brother.
By: Peggy Parish Herman Parish
Illustrated by:
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers leave their new maid, Amelia Bedelia, a list of things to do on her first day of work. For anyone else, changing the towels or dusting the furniture would have been quite straightforward — but not for Amelia Bedelia!
