Supporting young Latino men

Pedro talks about the challenges facing young Latino men in today's schools. See the complete interview here:

"What keeps me going"

Pedro describes the motivation that keeps him going in a difficult education climate. See the complete interview here:

Favorite teachers

Pedro recalls some of the most influential teachers from middle and high school. See the complete interview here:

Students and community service

Pedro talks about the benefits of students participating in community service programs. See the complete interview here:

Community schools

Pedro provides an overview of the community schools model. See the complete interview here:

The role of local communities

Pedro discusses the role of the larger community in supporting their local schools. See the complete interview here:

College readiness

Pedro talks about the reasons that schools need to make college readiness more accessible for children whose parents haven't attended college. See the complete interview here:

Broader, Bolder Approach

Pedro discusses the Broader, Bolder Approach initiative that he was part of, focused on addressing inequities in schooling. See the complete interview here:
