IEPs for English Language Learners

What does an IEP for an English Language Learner (ELL) look like? How might it be different? Who should be involved in creating and managing the IEP? How can parents be included in this process? These resources answer those questions and others you might have!
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Center for Parent Information and Resources
The CPIR is the new home to many of the bilingual resources developed by NICHCY, the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Their bilingual resources on IEPs include:
The Short-and-Sweet IEP Overview
Find out fast what an IEP is, who writes it, and what it contains.
The IEP Team
A child’s IEP is developed by a team of individuals that includes key school staff and the child’s parents. Find out who’s required by law to serve on the team and what they might contribute to developing the IEP.
Contents of the IEP
A child’s IEP, by law, must contain specific information, including the special education and related services that he or she will receive. But there’s so much more in an IEP! Find out in detail.
When the IEP Team Meets
What goes on at an IEP team meeting? What does IDEA require? What types of considerations, discussions, and decisions must be made by the IEP team? Find out here.
This resource section was made possible through our partnership with the National Education Association. Additional support was provided by the American Federation of Teachers.