National Geographic Photography

This site offers many intriguing photos, including a photo of the day, news photos, photo gallery, and short video clips. These can be useful for supporting content instruction, fostering dialogue with emerging English speakers, and creating writing prompts.

National Geographic Education

This site offers a wide range of resources for teachers and students, ranging from multimedia lessons and maps to recommended children's books and National Geographic Teacher student magazines.

History for Kids: Teaching Social Studies

History for Kids provides helpful ideas to assist teachers in the preparation of their social studies lesson plans. The website contains a list of links to interactive activities that can stimulate research and exploration of particular topics. It also provides lesson plans and activities that can be done at home or in-class.

Picturing America

Picturing America is a site created to provide information about historical events that shape the American history through the exposition of American Art (drawings, painting, etc.). This website has been created in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Humanities, it provides a timeline of historical events, articles to support the information, and other relevant links to expand research. This site also offers resources for teachers.

WGBH: Open Vault Media and Archives

Open Vault provides online access to unique and historically important content produced by public television station WGBH for individual and classroom learning. The website contains video excerpts, searchable transcripts, a select number of complete interviews for purchase, and resource management tools.

Ancient Mesopotamia: This History, Our History

This is an interactive website created by school teachers in collaboration with the University of Chicago and the Oriental Institute Museum. This website provides information about the Mesopotamia, including items related to its architecture, culture, language, history, etc. This interactive website also offers the opportunity to access the museum online, explore subjects of interest, and expand on specific subjects about the Mesopotamia period up to today's date. In-class and group activities for research and exploration are provided, as well as guided lesson plans and other materiasl for teachers.

African American Oddysey: A Quest for Full Citizenship

This site offers information of events in history that help African American obtain full citizenship in the United States, including the periods of Abolition, Civil War, Reconstruction, WWII, Depression, and Civil Rights. This website includes pictures, dates, and other resources to links that can help expand on specific topics of history.

National Geographic Explorer (Student Magazine) - Teachers

National Geographic offers helpful links, resources, articles, guided lesson plans, templates, and PowerPoint presentations to assist teachers in the preparation of their lesson plans. Many of the resources that can be found in this site can be downloaded for free. Teachers can also subscribe to the magazine and obtain access to other interesting articles.

Kids Off the Couch

Kids Off the Couch offers a variety of activities that can be with our children to expand their knowledge of cities, countries, films, novels, festivals, and school-subjects like History, English, etc. The website offers an overview of the activities, links to other resources, lists of helpful films, videos, books, a section for cultural connections, and access to this website's newsletters.


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