National Association of School Psychologists

The mission of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is to promote educationally and psychologically healthy environments for all children and youth by implementing research-based, effective programs that prevent problems, enhancing inde

National Association of Secondary School Principals

NASSP, a professional organization that assists middle level high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring principals with programs on supervision, curriculum, and staff development and advances middle level and high school education through

National Association of State Directors of Special Education

Since 1938, NASDSE has focused on improving the educational services for children and youth with disabilities by making sure that students with disabilities are able to participate in their education and successfully transition to post-school education, e

National Black Child Development Institute

Since 1970 The National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) a nonprofit organization has provided and supported programs, workshops, and resources for African American children, their parents and communities.

National Center for Fair & Open Testing

The National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) is an advocacy organization working to end the abuses, misuses and flaws of standardized testing and ensure that evaluation of students and workers is fair, open, and educationally sound.

National Center for Family Literacy: Free Resources

The National Center for Family Literacy puts the family at the forefront of educational reform in the area of national literacy. They have produced a number of free resources focused on promoting reading to children from birth until age 8.

National Center for Latinos with Disabilities

National Center for Latinos with Disabilities is the only not-for-profit statewide organization focusing solely on the empowerment of Latinos with disabilities and their families.

National Center for Learning Disabilities

The mission of the National Center for Learning Disabilities is to increase opportunities for all individuals with learning disabilities to achieve their potential.


Web Resources

Explore this section and discover useful web resources, some in multiple languages, to help our current and future generations of English language learners succeed. While we continue to check and update these links to other websites, some may have changed since our most recent update.

Search Tip: Many of the resources will appear only in one of the categories below.  If your search doesn't yield many entries, try reducing the number of selecting categories.

Statewide Resources

To see web resources organized by state, visit our State Resources section.