How the School System Works

Besides your child's teacher, many other people are involved in your child's education, The more you know about what they do, the more you can help your child.

In this article:


  • Are the first people you should go to with a concern about your child.
  • Talk to teachers about your child; the more they know the more they can help.

  • Are responsible for supervising the whole school, and helping teachers and staff do a better job.
  • Talk to principals about issues that teachers can't resolve.
Paraprofessionals and School Personnel
  • Help teachers and kids in class, kids with special needs, and provide other types of assistance and support.
  • Other helpful school staff are secretaries, custodians, food service workers, bus drivers, and security guards.
School District Office
  • Supervises all schools in a district and is run by a superintendent.
  • Implements decisions made by the school board
  • Contact them if you have issues that the school can't resolve.
School Board
  • Decides how the local school district will operate and is run by elected or appointed school board members.
  • Makes decisions about facilities, money for schools, staff, programs, etc.
  • Contact them if you have issues that the school or school district office can't resolve.
State Department of Education
  • Supervises all school districts and is run by a state superintendent.
  • Implements state-level decisions such as standards, funding, etc.
  • Contact the state department of education if you have issues that can't be resolved locally.
Teacher's Union
  • Represents members regarding salary, benefits, and working conditions such as class size, professional development, and school safety.
  • Provides information and programs to improve schools and advocates for high quality teachers, high standards, quality curriculum, etc.


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