Partnering with Multilingual Families During the Omicron Variant

Father adjusting son's face mask

Learn how schools can include multilingual families in their response plans to the Omicron variant and COVID-19 surges in their communities.

As schools navigate the impacts of the Omicron variant this winter, it's critical to ensure that all planning and decision-making includes multilingual families and English language learners (ELLs).

Here are some lessons learned about how to partner effectively with multilingual families during COVID-19 that can help inform schools' response to Omicron and other variants or surges. For additional ideas, be sure to connect with your ELL/ESOL teams at the school or district level in order to draw upon their expertise and experience.

Classroom connections

For ideas related to instruction, see:

Communicating with Families in Their Home Languages

All families have a legal right to receive communication in their home language from the school. Many schools have tried new ways of communicating with multilingual families during COVID-19.

For some effective strategies and tools in communicating with multilingual families, take a look at the following articles:

Essential Information for Families

Given how fluid the current situation is, families will need updated information about the following:

School operations

  • School schedules and closures
  • Changes in transportation services
  • Updates on school meals

Health and safety

  • Updated COVID-19 information related to new variants and safety protocols, especially those that are new (such as "test-to-stay" measures)
  • How to access testing and COVID-19 vaccines for all age groups
  • How to access any support services related to hardships that families might be facing, such as food, housing, medical care, winter clothing, heating assistance, etc.


  • How learning is being delivered
  • How to access technology and internet service if schools switch to remote or hybrid instruction (keeping mind that families may not have access to the devices or service they had last year during remote learning)

Social-emotional supports

  • What kinds of supports are available for students through the school
  • How students are receiving social-emotional instruction at school

Recommended resources


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