How to Support Your Child’s Social-Emotional Health: 8 Tips for Families

Rainbow drawing on wooden table

Learn how families can support their children's social-emotional health and find support resources in their home languages. This tip sheet is also available in 16 languages.

How can you support your child's emotional well-being during the school year?

Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Tips for Families

1. Check in with your child.

You can ask:

  • How do you feel about going back to school?
  • Is anything worrying you?
  • What was a fun or hard part of today?
  • Is anyone teasing or bullying you?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

2. Keep track of how your child is doing.

Pay attention to your child's:

  • moods
  • feelings
  • behaviors
  • attitudes about school

If you see changes or have questions, talk with your child’s teacher or doctor about what you notice.

3. Create a routine together.

Talk about how to stay healthy through:

  • sleep and exercise
  • good nutrition and hydration
  • managing screen time

4. Encourage your child by:

  • staying calm and supportive
  • helping your child name their emotions
  • focusing on positive things
  • sharing why your child is special
  • talking about why you are proud of your child
  • drawing and writing together

5. Help your child address anxiety about safety and uncertainty.

If your child is anxious about safety or returning to remote learning:

  • listen to their concerns
  • share safety steps they can take
  • answer their questions honestly
  • confirm that there is still uncertainty around this school year
  • share the information you do have.

6. Help your child address anxiety about separation.

If your child is anxious about separation from you:

  • listen to their concerns
  • practice short times apart
  • create a good-bye routine
  • send them a special note or photo in their backpack
  • assure them you will miss them too.

7. If you need more support, look for it!

You can find out how to:

  • contact school counselors or psychologists
  • find resources to address stress, anxiety, trauma, or abuse
  • connect with other families.

8. Share important information with the teacher about your child.

Tell the teacher about your child's:

  • strengths and challenges
  • ways of dealing with stress
  • questions and concerns
  • interests and talents.


Tips in 16 Languages

These tips are also available 16 languages. Share the tip sheet with families by printing, e-mailing, and posting on websites or school social media channels.

Special thanks to Kristina Robertson, Becky Corr, Debbie Zacarian and school social worker Rukiya Hassan for their review.



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