Using Diverse Books with Young Children

Find great recommendations for diverse board books and picture books for young children, as well as ideas on using these books at home or in early childhood settings. This article is part of our guide to using diverse books with ELLs.

Mamá Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury/Un tesoro de rimas infantiles by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy, illustrated by Maribel Suárez

It is never too early to ensure that young children have access to a wide range of diverse books — both mirror books that reflect their experiences and window books that introduce them to other people's experiences.

Here are some recommended booklists and ideas on using these books for educators and families of young children.

For more information on supporting young multilingual learners and their home languages, see the following:

Colorín Colorado Booklists

Colorín Colorado has compiled dozens of booklists for young children by theme to make it easy to include diverse books across multiple topics and units, including concept books (letters, numbers, shapes, opposites, etc.), books about nature and science, books about holidays, and bilingual books.


Additional tips and recommended booklists are available below:



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