Summer Learning Resources for Parents

School's over, but that doesn't mean that kids need to stop learning or reading! Summer is a great time for kids to read what they enjoy and to learn in new kinds of environments.

Learn more from Colorín Colorado's summer reading resources!

Summer Reading

These articles offer great ideas for getting your child exciting about reading during the summer!

Summer Reading at the Library

These tips offers ideas for helping ELL families make the most of their local public libraries during the summer.

Tips for educators and librarians

Tips for parents

Summer Learning

These articles offer ways to encourage learning throughout the summer with daily activities.

Booklists and Magazines


Tortilla Sun

Fun Magazines for Summer Reading

Highlights Magazine

Magazines can be a wonderful way to motivate children to read. Libraries may carry your children's favorite magazines, or you can order a magazine subscription.

Take a look at these bilingual magazines, as well as these popular magazines in English for kids.

Websites for Children

If you're looking for some educational games online for your kids, try these websites!

English-Language Websites for Children

Bilingual Websites For Children

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