Books by This Author
Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Definitions and Contexts
Product Description: This companion (foundational) book to the six-book series, Academic Language Demands for Language Learners: From Text to Context, captures the broad ideas of the series by presenting the theory behind academic language, a definition and examples of each of its components, and a template for direct classroom applicability.
Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Mathematics, Grades 3-5: Promoting Content and Language Learning
This book is part of a series by Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit about academic language as it relates to English language proficiency and the Common Core. This title focuses on upper elementary math topics such as time, fractions, and an introduction to algebra.
Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Mathematics, Grades 6-8: Promoting Content and Language Learning
This book is part of a series by Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit about academic language as it relates to English language proficiency and the Common Core. This title focuses on middle school math topics such as geometric solids, ratios and proportions, and congruency.
Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Mathematics, Grades K-2: Promoting Content and Language Learning
This book is part of a series by Margo Gottlieb and Gisela Ernst-Slavit about academic language as it relates to English language proficiency and the Common Core. This title focuses on early elementary math topics such as number sense, Base-10 thinking, and even and odd numbers.
Assessing English Language Learners: Bridges from Language Proficiency to Academic Achievement, Second Edition
This comprehensive treatment of ELL assessment highlights the intricate relationship between English language proficiency and content area learning. The author provides detailed information on how teachers can integrate academic language instruction into the content area classroom in order to enhance students' learning and support effective assessment. The book includes excellent discussions of performance-based assessment; student self-assessment; standardized testing; and classroom-based language, literacy, and content assessment.
Assessment and Accountability in Language Education Programs: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers
Gottlieb and Nguyen have created an excellent guide to developing a comprehensive assessment framework that can be used across a wide variety of language education programs. They begin by describing how they developed what they refer to as the Balanced Assessment and Accountability System, Inclusive and Comprehensive (BASIC) and successfully implemented it in a large suburban school district in Illinois.
Common Language Assessment for English Learners
This step-by-step guide demonstrates how teachers, school leaders, and administrators can collaborate to design effective, school-wide language assessment programs for their English language learners. For each phase of the assessment development process (Planning, Design, Refinement, Inspection, and Maintenance), Gottlieb provides organizing principles, lead questions, and action steps, all directed toward helping educators create valid and reliable language measures that are aligned with classroom instruction and able to be used consistently across multiple classrooms.