Maria Dove

Books by This Author

Co-Planning: Five Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners

Co-Planning: Five Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners

Bestselling authors Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G. Dove have returned with this new resource that complements and expands on their previous titles on co-teaching and collaboration by addressing collaborative planning in greater depth. Co-planning is positioned as the first step toward integrative language and content instruction as regular and purposeful collaboration ensures that Els/MLs have access to core content.

Key features include: 

Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Guide to Collaborative Planning, Instruction, Assessment, and Reflection

EL authorities Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld take ESL teachers and their general education colleagues step-by-step through building a successful collaboration―or improving an existing one. And since no teaching team is exactly alike, you'll find seven collaborative models to choose from. Features include:

• In-depth profiles of the seven models
• Advantages and challenges of each model
• Clear explanations of each teacher’s role

Collaborating for English Learners: A Foundational Guide to Integrated Practices (Second Edition)

Collaborating for English Learners: A Foundational Guide to Integrated Practices (Second Edition)

More than a decade of implementation has generated new insights into what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which essential frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders. Essentially a roadmap to the many different ways we can all work together, this second edition of Collaborating for English Learners from the foremost experts on collaborating on behalf of ELLs features: 

Collaboration and Co-Teaching for English Learners: A Leader′s Guide

With the EL population increasing every day, schools need proven systems for ensuring that the students of the future are able to thrive. In practice, this is a challenge for educational leaders. The most promising solution is the collaborative approach pioneered by this book's authors ― America’s leading authorities on collaboration and co-teaching for EL achievement. Honigsfeld and Dove's resources for collaboration and co-teaching include

Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners

Collaboration and Co-Teaching: Strategies for English Learners

More than a decade of implementation has generated new insights into what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which essential frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders. Essentially a roadmap to the many different ways we can all work together, this second edition of Collaborating for English Learners features: 

Books by This Editor

Co-Teaching for English Learners: Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes

 Co-Teaching for English Learners: Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes

This edited volume examines co-teaching and integrated service delivery for English learners (ELs). Through research and documentary accounts, it explores the collaborative instructional cycle — co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection practices — of co-taught programs for ELs. This volume presents current, classroom-based, practitioner-oriented research related to all aspects of co-taught programs for ELs and offers authentic evidence and practical recommendations that yield positive outcomes for this student population.
