Colorín Colorado Blog: Helping ELLs Succeed
Welcome to our Colorín Colorado blog! This blog is focused on helping English language learners (ELLs) succeed in the classroom, with a special focus on strategies and tools that that support the use of college- and career-ready standards with ELLs.
The blog includes updates from the ELL field about topics such as language proficiency standards and assessments, as well as practical tips for developing academic language, helping ELLs tackle grade-level content, and collaborating with colleagues.
For related content, see our Common Core and ELLs resource section. You can also browse blog posts by topic.
The Common Core State Standards mean greater rigor, higher expectations and considerably greater language demands. NCELA's webinar will bring together three experts who will share an outline of what needs to be done for this population.
Since top ten lists are popular during this time of year, I thought I’d compile my own with the focus on CCSS resources for ELLs.
Earlier in December, Education Week published an article about the connections between arts education and the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) written by reporter Erik Robelen.
Now that school districts are implementing the CCSS to various degrees, a question that is being asked more frequently is how teacher evaluation systems will be aligned to the new demands of the CCSS.
Understanding Language's five-lesson middle school unit, called Persuasion Across Time and Space: Analyzing and Producing Persuasive Texts, was designed for ELLs at the intermediate level of English language development.
They say good things happen in threes; this seems to be the case with webinars focusing on the connection between the CCSS and ELLs. Within the past week there will have been three high-profile webinars on CCSS for ELLs that I am aware of.
Hi, everyone!
Yesterday, I attended the American Federation of Teachers’ Second Roundtable on the CCSS and ELLs.
I was planning on attending the Alliance for Excellent Education’s CCSS/ELL face to face and webinar events in Washington, DC last week and blogging about them.