Culturally Responsive Instruction: Resource List

Perhaps you have come across the term "culturally responsive teaching" in your work as an educator. Many schools and districts around the country are encouraging their teachers to become more familiar with culturally responsive teaching. There are lots of great resources out there to help you learn more about the what, why, and how of culturally responsive teaching – and how you can get started!
Culturally Responsive Instruction
Culturally responsive teaching is a research-based approach that "invites students to bring their expertise to the table" (Fleming, 2019) by identifying and harnessing the assets of students who have historically been underserved in schools. Here are some resources providing an overview to CRT.
Overviews: Research & Resource Guides
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Some Key Features (Sonia Nieto)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: An Introduction (Brown University)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: An Overview (ASSIST)
- Understanding Culturally Responsive Teaching (New America Foundation)
- 5 Ways Culturally Responsive Teaching Benefits Learners (New America Foundation)
- But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching Matters (Equity Alliance)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching (Education Northwest)
- Culturally Reponsive Teaching: Celebrating Diversity in Our Schools (NYSUT)
Overviews: Articles, Blogs, and Tools
- Core Principles for CRT (Equity Institute)
- CRT in the Classroom (Equity Institute)
- Culturally Responsive Walkthrough Tool (Equity Institute)
- Relevant: Beyond the Basics (Teaching Tolerance)
- Teaching Toward Consciousness (Edutopia)
- Why Carlos Went Back to School (National Education Association)
- Sounds Great, But How Do I Do It? (National Education Association)
- Teacher Reflections on Being Culturally Responsive (Education Evolving)
- The Best Resources About "Culturally Responsive Teaching" & "Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy" (Larry Ferlazzo)
Resources from Zaretta Hammond
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: 4 Misconceptions (Cult of Pedagogy)
- Cultural Responsiveness Starts with Real Caring (Teaching Tolerance)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: Resources and Worksheets
- The Dreamkeepers: Successful Teachers of African American Children (Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice (Dr. Geneva Gay)
- Multiplication Is for White People: Raising Expectations for Other People's Children (Dr. Lisa Delpit)
- Finding Joy in Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds (Dr. Sonia Nieto)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (Zaretta Hammond)
- Start Where You Are, But Don’t Stay There: Understanding Diversity, Opportunity Gaps, and Teaching in Today’s Classrooms (Dr. H. Richard Milner IV)
- Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning – Classroom Practices for Student Success, Grades K-12 (2nd Edition) (Dr. Sharroky Hollie)
- We Got This: Equity, Access, and the Quest to Be Who Our Students Need Us to Be (Cornelius Minor)
- Managing Diverse Classrooms: How to Build on Students' Cultural Strengths (Dr. Carrie Rothstein-Fisch and Dr. Elise Trumbull)
- Unlocking English Learners' Potential: Strategies for Making Content Accessible (Dr. Diane Staehr Fenner and Dr. Sydney Snyder)
Videos and Podcasts
- Successful teachers of African American students (Video featuring Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings)
- What Is 'Culturally Competent' Teaching? (Education Week)
- Reading A Long Walk to Water with Students from Yemen (Colorín Colorado)
- Windows and Mirrors: Learning About Difference — and Belonging — Through Books (Edutopia)
- The What and Why of Culturally Responsive Instruction for Native American Students (UCLA CRESST)
- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Mathematics: A Critical Need (Dr. Shelly Jones)
- Situational Appropriateness: Using African American History to Discuss Language Use (Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning)
- 12 Ways to Make Culturally Responsive Instruction Work in Your Classroom (Larry Ferlazzo: BAM! Radio Show)
Key Concepts
Funds of Knowledge
- Funds of Knowledge (Washington State Department of Education)
- Funds of Knowledge Matrix (Washington State Department of Education)
- ELL Funds of Knowledge (TESOL Blog)
Cultural Orientation: Collective vs. Individual
- Understanding Collectivist Cultures (Very Well Mind)
- A New Way of Thinking About Classroom Management (ASCD)
- Bridging Cultures Between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers
Building Relationships and Classroom Community
- 'Students Respect Teachers Who They Feel Respect Them' (Education Week)
- Getting Students' Names Right (Colorín Colorado)
- Getting to Know Your ELLs: Six Steps for Success (Colorín Colorado)
- Four Ways Teachers Can Support Students of Color (Cult of Pedagogy)
- Building a Belonging Classroom (Edutopia)
- How SEL Can Help Students Gain a Multicultural Perspective (Edutopia)
Classroom Resources
Culturally Responsive Books
- Culturally Relevant Books in the ELL Classroom (rubric) (Colorín Colorado)
- Multicultural Book Awards / Resources for Diverse Books (Colorín Colorado)
- Why Diverse Classroom Libraries Matter (Edutopia)
- Creating a Diverse Classroom Library (Edutopia)
- Author Interview: 'More Mirrors in the Classroom' (Education Week)
- Listening to Their Voices Connect Literary and Cultural Understandings: Responses to Small Group Read-Alouds of "Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly" (Jeane F. Copenhaver)
Academic Language & Literacy
- Academic Language Resource Section (Colorín Colorado)
- Language Objectives: The Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners (Colorín Colorado)
- Dr. Julie Washington Calls for Prioritization of Reading and Linguistics in Schools
Inquiry and Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- ELLs in the Science Inquiry Classroom (Part 1 | Part 2)
- A Wildlife Investigation for City Kids (Edutopia)
- My First PBL Unit: Learning From My Students (Edutopia)
- Inquiry-Based Learning (Edutopia)
Making Local Connections
- What is community? (K-2)
- Identity & Community: Middle School Social Studies Unit (Facing History)
- Local History – Oral Stories, Landmarks, and Traditions (Library of Congress)
- Infographics for Change (Teaching Channel)
Student Populations: Resource Collections
American Indian/Alaska Native Students
- Ways to Become More Culturally Responsive in Engaging American Indian and Alaska Native Families (Education Northwest)
- Creating a More Welcoming and Culturally Responsive School Community to Engage American Indian and Alaska Native Families (Education Northwest)
- Culturally Responsive Instruction for Native American Students (WestED/CRESST)
- Lessons Learned in Teaching Native American History (Edutopia)
- Exploring Culture Through Art (Teaching Channel)
- Tips for Choosing Culturally Appropriate Books & Resources About Native Americans (Colorín Colorado)
- Relearning the Star Stories of Indigenous Peoples (Science Friday)
English Language Learners (ELLs)
- How to Create Culturally Responsive Classrooms for ELLs (Valentina Gonzalez)
- Are You Practicing Culturally Responsive Teaching? (Valentina Gonzalez)
- Equity for English-Language Learners (Edutopia)
- Breaking Out of the Bilingualism Double Standard (Zaretta Hammond)
- A Hidden Language: Supporting Students Who Speak Mixtec (Colorín Colorado)
Students with Special Needs
- Creating a Welcoming Classroom for Students with Special Needs (Cult of Pedagogy)
- What are My Choices? Facilitating Meaningful Conversations with Families of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students during the Disabilities Referral Process (Colorín Colorado)
- Why Are So Many Minority Students in Special Education?: Understanding Race and Disability in Schools
Professional Development and Reflection
- Empowering Educators Through Cultural Competence (Edutopia)
- Preparing for Cultural Diversity: Resources for Teachers (Edutopia)
- The Deficit Model Is Harming Your Students (Edutopia)
- Reflection Activity: Identity (Teaching Tolerance)
- Do Districts Actually Want Black Male Teachers? (Education Week)
- Continuum of Cultural Competency/Proficiency (Region 4 Education Service Center)
Equity Issues
- Pedro Noguera on 10 Ways Educators Can Take Action in Pursuit of Equity (Cult of Pedagogy)
- Equity vs. Equality: 6 Steps Toward Equity (Edutopia)
- Reflecting on Teacher Diversity, Whiteness, and Equity: A Conversation with Kyle Schwartz, The Teacher Behind 'I Wish My Teacher Knew...' (Psychology Today)
- Equality vs Equity: Infographic (Equity Institute)
- Building Equity in Your Teaching Practice (Equity Institute)
- Equity Literacy Institute
- Peer-led Professional Development for Equity and Diversity: A Report for Teachers and Administrators Based on Findings from Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED Project)
- A Look at Implicit Bias and Microaggressions (Edutopia)
- Anti Bias Resource Section (National Association for the Education of Young Children)
- Confronting Bias in Schools (American Educator, Fall 2019)
- Understanding Implicit Bias (American Educator, Fall 2019)
- Critical Practices for Anti-bias Education (Teaching Tolerance)
- Four Tools for Interrupting Implicit Bias (Zaretta Hammond)
- How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome (Dena Simmons' TED Talk)
- Reading Your Way to a Culturally Responsive Classroom (NAEYC)
- Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom (Edutopia)
- 5-Minute Film Festival: Talking About Race and Stereotypes (Edutopia)
- Teachable Moments and Academic Rigor: A Mini-Unit (Edutopia)
- 'For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood...': An Interview With Chris Emdin (Education Week)
- 5 practices of highly-effective urban educators (Education Dive)
- White Anti-Racism: Living the Legacy (Teaching Tolerance)
- Race to Improve Teacher Education (American Educator, Fall 2019)
Culturally Responsive Family Engagement
- Family Engagement Toolkits: Partnering with Diverse Families (compiled by Colorín Colorado)
- Making Immigrant Students and Families Feel Welcome (Colorín Colorado)
- Engaging ELL Families: 20 Strategies for School Leaders (Colorín Colorado)
- Culturally Responsive Family Engagement (EDC)
Fleming, J. Personal communication. October 15, 2019.
Fleming, J., et al. (2015). More Mirrors in the Classroom: Using Urban Children's Literature to Increase Literacy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Hamayan, E., et al. (2013.) Special Education Considerations for English Language Learners. Delivering a Continuum of Services. Philadelphia: Caslon Publishing.
Hammond, Z. (2015). Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Rothstein-Fisch, C. and Trumbull, E. (2008). Managing Diverse Classrooms: How to Build on Students' Cultural Strengths. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Vigil, Karla. Personal communication. November 1, 2019.