ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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A Brief But Spectacular take on teacher burnout

The nation is in the midst of a teacher shortage, and at the end of another school year, burnout is causing many more teachers to call it quits. Micaela DeSimone is a 6th-grade English teacher in a charter school in Queens, New York. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on teacher burnout and explains how the past few years have changed her views on what was once her dream job.

How to stay safe when the air outside is toxic

Billowing smoke and particulate matter spreading south from the wildfires scorching Canada are creating dangerous air quality across the eastern United States. An estimated 98 million Americans from New Hampshire to South Carolina were under air quality alerts Wednesday, and health experts urge caution in the days ahead.

Newark Public Schools cancels classes due to smoke from Canadian wildfires

Newark Public Schools and central office will be closed on Thursday as the smoke from Canadian wildfires continues to impact New Jersey and the surrounding areas. The district made the announcement on its Facebook page just after midnight on Thursday. Unhealthy air quality conditions are expected to continue Thursday, and as of 7 a.m., Newark and nearly the rest of the state were under a purple alert, marking very unhealthy air quality conditions for residents. 

The Big Questions Teachers Are Asking Themselves Right Now

Summertime is when we teachers can de-clutter our minds and decompress from the school year. It can also be a time for us to reflect on the bigger questions facing our profession. Today’s post is the latest in a series exploring what some of those questions might be.

Call to Double Title III Funding

More than 160 organizations, including UnidosUS, TESOL, NABE, CAL, JNCL, the NEA, and the AFT are calling on the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies to include $2 billion in the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) budget for Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) — the federal formula grant program intended to support English learners (ELs) in every state and territory.

How Storytelling About Learning Empowers Students

Storytelling is a powerful way to develop community, to teach, and to empower. When teachers tell their students stories in which characters overcome challenges, we empower students. When classes gather and listen to stories, they develop a sense of belonging. 

W-B Area program lets students become teachers

Nine students who participated in Wilkes-Barre Area School District's first "Education Experience Program" in Northeastern Pennsylvania offered a lot of positive feedback from their experience. The district designed the program to encourage high school seniors to consider entering the education field, and in turn to potentially produce a future pool of teachers for the area.
