School experiences

Joanne describes her early school experiences in Puerto Rico. See more of the interview:

Standards for secondary teachers

Joanne also describes what it was like to implement Miami's new standards at the secondary level. See more of the interview:

Validity at the state level

Joanne discusses the challenges that states face in implementing valid standards and assessments for ELLs. See more of the interview:

World Languages Program

Joanne explains the steps that her department took to expand the study of foreign languages in Miami-Dade County Schools. See more of the interview:

Teacher preparation programs

Dr. Barrera offers some suggestions of ways that teacher preparation programs can incorporate EL instruction into their programs. See more of the interview:

A special scientist

Learn how someone close to Dr. Barrera shaped her thinking about the need to encourage Latino students' interest in science. See more of the interview:

Serving ELLs at OELA

Dr. Barrera discusses the importance of integrating ELL issues into other divisions at the US Department of Education.

Prepare teachers

Dr. Barrera discusses the importance of preparing all teachers to work with ELLs. See more of the interview:
