Interest in project

Diane explains what appealed to her about this particular project focused on the Common Core and ELLs.

Foundational skills

Diane discusses the importance of addressing foundational skills for ELLs as part of implementing the Common Core. See more of the interview:

Annotated lessons

Diane discusses why she felt the lessons need to be carefully annotated. See more of the interview:

Scripting for the Common Core

Diane explains her goals in scripting the lessons carefully for a national audience. See more of the interview:

Different rules

Ellen describes the shifts that the Common Core will make necessary. See more of the interview:

Results of project

Ellen describes a new school in Albuquerque that will focus on Common Core and ELLs. See more of the interview:

Advice for teachers on Common Core

Ellen offers advice for teachers who are just getting to know the Common Core. See more of the interview:

Making time for Common Core

Ellen discusses the importance of making Common Core a priority among the many new initiatives that districts are implementing at the same time.

Lessons learned

Ellen shares some of the surprising things she learned through the project. See more of the interview:
