Pat Mora on Poetry

Pat Mora is a Mexican-American author, poet, and advocate for the Hispanic community. Many of her books are bilingual, presenting topics affecting ...

Writing a cooperative paragraph

In this classroom clip, Albuquerque teacher Ali Nava leads her students through a written summary of the story by writing a cooperative paragraph.

Introduction: Becoming Bilingual

For a teacher who speaks only English, having students who speak another language can be a daunting prospect. How do teachers teach English language ...

100 Years of Solitude

Monica, who wrote "My Name Is Gabito/My llamo Gabito" about the childhood of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, explains how "One Hundred Years of Solitude" ...

Becoming Bilingual: Parents as Partners

Meet Kathy Mayer, the principal of Rachel Carson Elementary in Chicago, Illinois, who learned early on that one key to teaching young readers is parent engagement.
