Chicago Child-Parent Centers

Parker Child-Parent Center offers a two-pronged approach — a high-quality preschool and research-based literacy training for parents. While the kids attend ...

Writing response journals

Christine discusses response journals, an activity she uses to engage her students as they read. See more of the interview: ...

Vocabulary: Bricks and mortar

Dr. Cynthia Lundgren discusses the concept of "bricks and mortar" when thinking about academic language and effective vocabulary instruction for English language learners.

Reaching out to families

Kevin describes the ways in which his school welcomes families into the school community. See more of the interview: ...

Math challenges for ELLs

Gabriela explains some of the challenges ELLs and their teachers may encounter in the math standards. See more of the interview: ...

Not enough multicultural books?

Mora points out that only 2 percent of all children's books are by or about Latinos. She encourages educators to talk with publishers and bookstores about ...
