What went well

Katie shares what she feels went well and why student engagement is so important in a successful lesson.

Las tradiciones peruanas

Monica comparte las tradiciones peruanas de su madre. Vea la entrevista completa: http://www.colorincolorado.org/leer/autores/brown/

Bilingual in Puerto Rico

Raúl discusses his use of both Spanish and English in Puerto Rico after moving back there from New York.

"The Grand Plan to Fix Everything"

Uma offers a behind-the-scenes look at the process of writing her children's novel, "The Grand Plan to Fix Everything." See more of the interview: ...

Choosing literature for ELLs

Michelle describes the works of classic literature (in abridged form) that her students read each year. See more of the interview: ...

Common Core Lesson Plans

AFT Innovation Fund Director Ann Bradley describes the support for the Common Core she has seen from teachers as they produce lessons based on the standards.

"The Happiest Tree"

Uma explains why she wanted to write a children's book about yoga. See more of the interview: http://www.colorincolorado.org/read/meet/krishnaswami/

Talking about rain

Uma reflects on the similarities between the way people talk about rain in New Mexico and India. See more of the interview: ...

Authentic assessment

Cindy reflects on the purposes of a useful and thoughtful assessments. See more of the interview: ...
