By: R.L. Stine
Kat and her brother are happy in their new home; that is, until they come across the evil thing that comes out from under the sink. Informal first person narrative draws readers into this spooky novel.
By: R.L. Stine Joe Arthur

In a conversational way, the author of thriller for young readers reveals his early years and his path to becoming a writer. Black/white photographs are sprinkled throughout to present a look at this author’s life.

By: R.L. Stine

Max doesn’t want his family to move. He doesn’t want to leave Nicky and Tara, the young ghosts who inhabit Max’s house. Cliffhanger endings keep this series going at breakneck speed.

By: R.L. Stine

At first Jerry is excited about taking piano lessons; he thinks the old piano is really neat. Then he meets his peculiar and slightly threatening music teacher, Dr. Shreek. Will Jerry come out of his lessons alive?

By: Bruce MacMillan

How do two children share one banana? Cut it in half, of course! Healthy foods are shared by dividing them into in thirds and quarters in this cogent introduction to fractions.

By: David Schwartz
Illustrated by:
There are millions of people living in the United States, but the numbers are much too large to really understand, aren’t they?
By: Faith McNulty
Illustrated by:
"If you decide to go to the moon… read this book before you start." It requires a great deal of preparation not only for the trip but while on the moon itself.
By: Lenore Look
Illustrated by:

Jenny's favorite uncle, Uncle Peter, is getting married. Now Jenny won't be his only "special girl" any longer; she'll have to share him with Stella! But Peter's bride is as happy to have a new niece as she is beautiful and wins Jenny over.

By: Beverly Cleary
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Chuck throws caution to the wind, along with safety rules, when he rides on his spiffy new red motorcycle. That is, until he's brought back to reality by a highway patrol officer!
