By: Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D.

This book offers practical advice and tips on areas such as learning to relax, improving your memory, staying focused, getting homework done, and making friends.

By: Caroline Janover

Spending a month on a remote island in Maine with his teasing older brother and grandparents he hardly knows is not Josh's idea of a great time. But that's what happens the summer his parents go abroad.

By: Joe Griffith

A touching account of one youngster’s struggle in learning to read and the painful journey that he took to gain self-confidence, self-respect, and tremendous success as a human being, as a student, and as an athlete.

By: Mark Smith
Illustrated by:

When Josh's friends call him "Slosh," it's particularly painful. Although he's smart when it comes to computers and math, Josh also has ADHD � Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder.

By: Patricia O. Quinn, M.D. Judith M. Stern

So you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I bet that means you also have a lot of questions, doubts, and fears. This book provides some answers as well as advice on how to deal with ADHD.

By: Barthe Declements

"Bad" Helen is in trouble. If she can't improve her reading skills, she will be stuck in the sixth grade forever! An ace baseball pitcher and class clown, Helen must now face the fact that reading is not one of her skills.

By: Jaye Andras Caffrey
Illustrated by:

Paige, an imaginative, witty young girl with ADHD plans to earn an interview with astronaut, Kelsey Strongheart.

By: Jeff Brown
Illustrated by:
When Stanley Lambchop wakes up one morning, his brother, Arthur, is yelling. A bulletin board fell on Stanley during the night, and now he is only half an inch thick! Amazing things begin happening to him.
By: Jeanne Gehret

Emily's littler brother has ADD and it's creating issues for Emily. Her parents are giving all there attention Ben. She loves her little brother, but she's somebody too!
