School is out and Babymouse heads to the beach with her surfboard – and brother – in tow. The energetic mouse is awash in nonstop beach adventures, depicted in bold line and pink wash.

Jackie and his faithful dog embark on an adventure to retrieve Jackie’s lost shadow from a sinister foe, the Shadow Snatcher. Advice from Mr. Socrates, the smartest guy alive and Jackie’s neighbor is, of course, invaluable.

Illustrated by:

Red-headed and tiny, Sardine is a space pirate who takes off on adventures with her pirate uncle and their friend in a spaceship named Huckleberry.

By: Seymour Simon

Once this book is opened, readers will readily agree with its title. This array of creatures all share in “grossness” – sure to engage young readers with the fascinatingly yucky photographs and well-presented text.

By: Seymour Simon

Bones are more than just the framework for the human body; they play an important part in creating blood and more. Photographs including MRI and other scanners combine with understandable text for this scientific exploration of the human body.

By: Seymour Simon

Snakes seem larger than life in this informative, engaging book with clear and colorful pictures. This one is sure to inspire newly independent readers.

By: Seymour Simon

Stunning, full color photographs of horses and clear, simple text provide a glimpse into the evolution and history of the horse and its interaction with mankind.

By: Seymour Simon

Hurricanes, their origin and their destructive power (as well as their relatives, the tropical storm and depression) are presented here in striking photographs and cogent text.

By: Seymour Simon

Water makes earth different than any other planet and most of it is in our oceans. Remarkable photographs and engaging text introduce this amazing subject.
