By: J Roach-Evans
No visit to a beach is complete without finding shells. Those who visit the Northeast coast of the U.S. are sure to gain information and insight from a small but instructive, clearly illustrated book on seashells.
Illustration of roaring tiger coming out of soup
By: Kashmira Sheth
Illustrated by:

A tiger roars out of the boy's alphabet soup for a lively, well-illustrated adventure until his sister agrees to read to him. One wonders, however, if the tiger disappears entirely. This is imaginative, quirky and well told and lushly illustrated.

By: Kate DiCamillo
Illustrated by:
Friends Bink and Gollie are very different but they have fun together — even when one of them behaves peculiarly. In three vignettes, Gollie assumes a royal role, Bink tries to get taller, and together they start a memorable collection.
By: Emily MacLachlan
Illustrated by:
Expertly executed watercolors and free verse introduce a variety of cats and their distinctive personalities on double page spreads.
By: Nicola Davies
Illustrated by:
A host of deadly predators and their lethal methods are presented. Informative though playful descriptions with cartoon illustrations (that both enhance and mitigate the "gross" factor), the thin volume is sure to intrigue — and inspire further reading.
By: Jeff Foxworthy
Illustrated by:
Everyday activities and family members can be laughable especially when presented in short, light verse.
By: Wendy Orr
Bella was always a beautiful pup but as she grew, her owners knew that the bright, energetic beagle needed more to do.
