Little boy on big brother's shoulders
By: Miriam Cohen
Illustrated by:

When a young boy's beloved older brother joins the army, he has some big shoes to fill.  This touching book captures the difficulty of separation that all members of military families face, including the youngest ones.

By: Brenda Ehrmantraut
Illustrated by:

When a soldier's work takes him half-way around the world, he enlists the help of the North Star for a nightly game of catch with his son.

By: Theresa Golding
Illustrated by:
Product Description: It's Memorial Day and Marco and Mama are going to see the parade. On their way, they pass Marco's grandfather's house. They usually stop to see Grandfather, but today Mama is in a rush because she has promised Marco a surprise.
By: Rebecca Rissman
Memorial Day is observed in honor and remembrance of all the men and women who have died serving our country.
By: Sharon G. McBride

Sharon G. McBride is an U.S. Army veteran of 13 years, and has completed three deployments since 2003. As a photojournalist, the author documented events of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Hurricane Katrina.

Hero Mom
By: Melinda Hardin
Illustrated by:

Product Description: The moms in the book are superheroes. They may not leap over tall buildings, and they may not have super-human speed. But these moms construct buildings, fly planes, and make tanks roll.
