Dr. Rebecca Palacios
Preschool Educator & Consultant | Corpus Christie, TX

Dr. Rebecca Palacios is an educator who taught preschool for more than thirty years in Corpus Christi, Texas. Dr. Palacios is also a teacher mentor, as well as a founding member and former vice chair of the National Board For Professional Teaching Standards. In addition, she is the first Latina to be inducted into the Teachers Hall of Fame.
In the following interview, Dr. Palacios speaks about the benefits of dual language programs and what makes a dual language program, particularly for young children, successful.
More from Dr. Palacios
These additional resources feature Dr. Palacios discussing the qualities of a strong Pre-K program for ELLs and professional development for Pre-K educators.
- Webcast: Preschool and English Language Learners
- Audio podcast interview
- PBS Program: Toddling Towards Reading
- Tips for Parents: The Importance of Preschool and Learning at Home (video interview in Spanish, English translation of transcript available)
- Early Literacy Instruction in Spanish: Teaching the Beginning Reader (article)
- A Teacher of Little Children (article)