ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Biden poised to pick Connecticut schools chief as education secretary

President-elect Joe Biden is set to nominate the commissioner of public schools in Connecticut as his education secretary. Miguel Cardona was named Connecticut’s top schools official last year and if confirmed will have achieved a meteoric rise, moving from an assistant superintendent in Meriden, Conn., a district with 9,000 students, to secretary of education in less than two years. He was born in Meriden to Puerto Rican parents who lived in public housing. He began his career as a fourth-grade teacher and rocketed up the ranks, becoming the state’s youngest principal at age 28. He was named the state’s principal of the year in 2012.

Volunteering can give kids purpose in uncertain times — and there are still ways to do it

When so much is out of our control, the act of volunteering puts some control back in our hands. And with the normal rhythms of life still very much disrupted, it’s a good way to occupy and engage children who might otherwise feel stuck. For families who want to volunteer in this new landscape, what options are there? Quite a few, says Karen Daniel, vice president of programs at Youth Service America. “We have a project ideas database on our website, where people can search by the issue area that they care about and by their spark, which is what they love to do. We really believe in helping kids start with something they love so that the project is fun for them, too.”

How career and technical education shuts out Black and Latino students from high-paying professions

 A Hechinger Report/Associated Press analysis of career and technical education enrollment data from 40 states reveals deep racial disparities in who takes these career-oriented courses. Black and Latino students were often less likely than their white peers to enroll in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and information technology classes, according to the analysis, which was based primarily on 2017-18 data. Meanwhile, they were more likely to enroll in courses in hospitality and, in the case of Black students in particular, human services. 

NYC school buildings will shut down Thursday

New York City school buildings will shut down Thursday in an aggressive attempt to fight off another surge of the coronavirus, Mayor Bill de Blasio and schools Chancellor Richard Carranza announced.

How 7 countries are supporting child care and families during the pandemic

Generous family leave time. Reduced tuition for child care programs. Fewer requirements to receive government support. These are some of the policies other countries have taken to ease the burden on parents or providers during the coronavirus pandemic, some of which come from nations that have long been supportive of children and their families, according to a new brief from the  National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE).

Why School Board Diversity Matters

The racial and ethnic makeup of school boards rarely matches that of the students in the schools they are responsible for. Yet a growing body of research suggests having more diverse school boards can make concrete differences in how schools operate. Some studies suggest, in fact, that having just one minority member on a board increases a school district’s financial investment in high-minority schools, and even some measures of student achievement and student climate. But at a time when the student population is growing more diverse, most school boards across the country don’t meet even that low bar, according to a new survey by the EdWeek Research Center.
