ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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As a Paraprofessional Working in the Classroom, I’ve Learned That Relationships Come First

What have we been conditioned to think an effective classroom looks like? For many, it’s a vision that includes tables of students sitting quietly, working diligently as the teacher walks around or pulls small groups. But when I reflect back on my own childhood and on what I’ve learned in my career as a paraprofessional, it’s clear that the most effective classrooms aren’t necessarily the ones that are most quiet or still, but the ones that prioritize relationships and community building.

Sixth grader dead, 5 injured in Perry High School shooting

A 17-year-old high school student been identified as the shooter in an incident that occurred at 7:37 a.m. Thursday at Perry High School. One student, a sixth grader at the middle school, was killed. Police said the student may have been at the high school to take part in its breakfast program. Four other students and one school administrator were injured at the scene.

Best of 2023: A Des Moines ELL teacher is Iowa’s 2024 Teacher of the Year

Iowa's Teacher of the Year for 2024 comes from Hoover High School in Des Moines. Ann Mincks is a 16-year teacher of English language learners at one of the state's most diverse high schools, where around 25% of students are English learners. During the award ceremony Monday, Des Moines Public Schools Superintendent Ian Roberts congratulated Mincks and unrolled a "Teacher of the Year" banner to hang in the halls at Hoover.

Best of 2023: This Principal Uses Her Experience as the Child of Farmworkers to Support Students

Raquel Martinez thinks a lot about time. The time of the day she schedules parent conferences. The time of year she holds open houses at Isaac Stevens Middle School, where she’s the principal. For her, time is essential to how she shows respect for the community her school serves. Many of her students’ parents are farmworkers — some of them migrant workers — who toil 12- to 14-hour days in apple orchards, and on cherry and potato farms in and around Pasco, Wash.

Best of 2023: Meg Medina Named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature for 2023-24

Author Meg Medina will be the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature for 2023-24, the Library of Congress (LOC) and Every Child a Reader recently announced. The 2019 Newbery Medal winner for Merci Suárez Changes Gears is Cuban-American and will become the first author of Latina heritage to serve in the role. Her platform will be "Cuéntame!: Let’s talk books," an idea inspired by the Spanish phrase that friends and families use when catching up with one another.

Update: For more on Meg Medina's tenure as the National Ambassador, see the following:

Best of 2023: In 'Until Someone Listens,' 13-year-old Estela Juarez speaks up for her mother, immigration issues

When Estela Juarez was 11, her video letter to then-President Donald Trump made headlines when it was shown at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Estela wrote on behalf of her mother Alejandra, who had been deported to Mexico. Now 13, Estela has written (with Lissette Norman) a picture book for kids "Until Someone Listens" about her experiences and the importance of speaking up. Here & Now's Deepa Fernandes speaks with Estela Juarez about the book.
