ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Not every Chicago school offers algebra in middle school. CPS is working to change that.

Mastering algebra in middle school can give kids an advantage for the rest of their educational trajectory. But in Chicago, access to the course before high school has long been inequitable. Schools without algebra in the middle grades have been largely located in predominantly Black and lower income neighborhoods on the south and west sides. For students who do take algebra in eighth grade, state data shows white and Asian American students in Chicago Public Schools are more than twice as likely to pass than Black and Latino students. But the district says it is trying to address the inequity and has found some success.

Meet a Columbia Student Working at the Intersection of Bilingual Literacy and Community with 'Para KIDS!'

When Daniela Palacios (CC’26) was in the third grade in Newark, New Jersey, she distinctly remembers her experience in an English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. "Being in that class and having a teacher that understood Spanish and would speak to us in Spanish as well, because we needed reinforcement or clarification, that's the first time I understood the importance of bilingualism," Palacios said. The daughter of Ecuadorian immigrants and a Columbia College sophomore majoring in Political Science, you can find Palacios paying forward the benefits of bilingualism alongside the local community at least once a month with readings and activities at Saturday Science on Columbia’s Manhattanville campus and at the yearly Manhattanville Community Day gatherings.  At age 17 as a junior in high school, Palacios founded Para KIDS! (itself a bilingual name meaning "for kids!"), a media company dedicated to motivating all children to become or remain bilingual.

Latino USA Founder and Pioneering Radio Journalist María Martin Passes Away in Texas

María Emilia Martin, the pioneering radio journalist and founder of Latino USA, media educator and tireless advocate for Latinos, Latinas, and Indigenous voices in journalism, passed away due to health complications in Texas over the weekend. Born in Mexico City and raised in California, Martin dedicated half a century to her work on public radio. Her 2020 book, "Crossing Borders, Building Bridges: A Journalist's Heart in Latin America," chronicles her journey overcoming racism and sexism in U.S. media. She paved the way for new generations of Latino journalists, particularly women.

Obituary: Dr. Jean Pierre-Louis, 87, pioneering educator in NYC’s Haitian community

This obituary remembers Dr. Jean Pierre-Louis, a pioneer in the field of Bilingual Education. His family writes that he believed "in equal opportunities for immigrant students and in making learning accessible to all students, regardless of their language proficiency. In this regard, Jean was one of the first Haitian resource specialists hired by the New York City Board of Education, Office of Bilingual Education. Moreover, he worked with other advocates to establish and support Haitian Creole Bilingual programs in New York City schools." 

Detroit community groups have a long record of attendance work

Community groups have been working with Detroit school communities on absenteeism for more than a decade. Despite their limited staff and budgets, they help fill gaps in the strategies schools and the district use to improve student attendance, focusing on specific barriers, such as inconsistent transportation, food insecurity, and lack of clean clothes.

Northern Light: Meet ELLs at a Plattsburgh Literacy Class

This North Country Public Radio news program includes the following topics: Governor Kathy Hochul summoned the likely Democratic nominee to run to replace ousted Congressman George Santos; we'll meet immigrants learning English at a literacy class in Plattsburgh; and renting woes turned DIY art.

Amid controversy over teaching English learners, Boston Public Schools hires new chief of multilingual and multicultural education

Boston Public Schools has hired a new chief of its troubled Office of Multilingual and Multicultural Education, about one and a half years after the department’s last administrator was forced to resign amid another controversy over the way students learning English are taught. Starting in January, Joelle Gamere, assistant principal and director of the Toussaint L’Ouverture Academy at Mattahunt Elementary School in Mattapan, will lead the department, formerly known as the Office of English Learners, making her the seventh person to helm the office since 2019. Gamere assumes her new role at a time of political and strategic upheaval for the district’s English learners programming.

To Effectively Support English Learners, Build Teachers’ Skills, Experts Say

Back in her early days of teaching, Rebecca Bergey thought it was her job as a teacher of English learners to prepare her students with enough language to survive in content area classes. But as Bergey — now a principal researcher at the nonprofit American Institutes for Research — grew in her teaching, she realized that language learning operates at a systems level.

Savannah school district moves to help non-English-speaking families

Mayra Calderon Diaz’s kids are all enrolled in Savannah public schools, between grades 2 and 7. The Mexican mother of three says she has tried to be as involved as possible in her children’s education, but a persistent language barrier has made that difficult. Over the years, communicating with front desk staff posed challenge after challenge, and meetings with teachers came with a $50 price tag – to cover the cost of bringing a translator with her. Once, a communication issue kept her daughter off the school bus route for weeks. During the pandemic, there was difficulty keeping up with the schools’ announcements about the shift to remote learning.
