ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Best Graphic Novels 2023 | SLJ Best Books

This collection of graphic novels published in 2023 includes a diverse range of stories and topics for upper elementary, middle grade, and young adult readers.

PBS Kids Creating New Series About Characters With Autism

PBS Kids is developing its first-ever series featuring a lead character on the autism spectrum and his neurodiverse friends. The animated show called “Carl the Collector” follows Carl, a raccoon with autism who loves to collect things, and his friends in Fuzzytown, a place where everyone is learning about themselves and those around them.

Free COVID tests headed to nation's schools

Schools across the U.S. will soon be able to order free rapid COVID-19 tests from the federal government. The administration's initiative will make available millions of tests for school districts as they enter the winter months — a time when COVID activity is expected to peak. Already, emergency department visits and wastewater data indicate that cases are climbing in the U.S.

COLUMN: A creation story for Indigenous and nature-based learning

As part of a new program, every third grader in Albuquerque Public Schools spends a day at the Los Padillas Wildlife Sanctuary just outside the city. There, a wide variety of local landscapes are packed into five acres: a meadow, piñon, juniper and cottonwood trees, an arroyo and even a pond — a rarity in the desert.

Early education coalition searches for answers to raise teacher pay, even as budgets are cratering

On average, child care employees and early educators earn less than half as much as K-12 teachers. They are more likely than other educators to live in poverty and less likely to have health insurance. Billions in federal aid propped up the industry during the pandemic, but those funds ran out this fall. As a result, child care centers have already started reporting decreased wages and benefits.

California lags behind other states in bilingual education for English learners

California enrolls a far lower percentage of English learners in bilingual education programs than other states, according to a report released in October from The Century Foundation. Prioritizing enrollment for English learners in bilingual and dual-language immersion programs is important, the authors stated, because research has shown these programs help English learners.

Enhancing Collaboration Between Classroom Teachers and ELL Specialists

Studies have found that schools with a greater amount of teacher collaborations have resulted in higher student achievement outcomes in reading and math. Schools that have English language learners (ELLs) can especially benefit from collaborative work between classroom teachers and teachers who specialize in working with ELLs. In schools where ELLs do not have access to a specialized ELL teacher throughout their entire school day, such collaboration between adults is especially vital.

Immigrant parents report faulty, slow translation of special education documents

When Los Angeles mother Tania Rivera signed a crucial document for her son Luis' special education program in 2022, she was hoping he would be able to return to in-person classes after two years of distance learning. But the individualized education program, or IEP, required for all children who need special education, was available only in English. Rivera's first language is Spanish.
