How administrators can support ELLs Kenji offers tips for administrators on how to more fully integrate ELLs into their schools.
Technology and language instruction Kenji describes the way that technology can be used in language instruction and shares a resource he has developed.
Online training with "MOOCs" Kenji discusses the ways that online training is being used in higher education settings.
Aligning pre-service and certification programs Kenji discusses the challenges of pre-service training, including its separation from licensure procedures.
Preparing teachers to work with ELLs Kenji discusses some of the professional development that will be needed for the CCSS.
Piloting the Persuasion Unit Kenji describes what he calls the "reality TV" process by which they are piloting their new exemplar.
Strategies with the PowerPoint Marty describes her experience using the PowerPoint and how her students responded to it.