
Cobb's books teach children that real science is grounded in replicable evidence.

The secret life of cosmetics

How does science connect with our everyday lives? Cobb recalls the time she and a group of teachers explored the "kissability" of a set of lipsticks.

Simple experiments

You don't need dramatic liquid nitrogen displays to show kids how magical science can be. Cobb shares a simple experiment from her book "I Get Wet."

Observation and play

Cobb encourages kids to closely observe what's happening when they try an experiment. She also reminds us that play and imagination are at the core of discovery.


Cobb talks about the common strand of creativity in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math.

Sharing discoveries

Cobb gets as excited about scientific discoveries as kids do. She's able to share that enthusiasm for observation and learning through her books.

Writing like a scientist

The most important thing about writing like a scientist is that you have to describe behavior. You have to tell people how to do things!

Sharing successes

Learn how her students respond to the success of their peers. See more of the interview: http://www.colorincolorado.org/multimedia/experts/video/rowland/

College application

Christine describes the ways she helps her students apply for college. See more of the interview: http://www.colorincolorado.org/multimedia/experts/video/rowland/
