
Ali shares what she has learned through this project.

Listening to teachers

INK Think Tank needs the voice and experience of teachers to enhance the collaboration between writers and classroom educators.

Deeper learning with the Common Core

Cobb believes that the promise of the Common Core is that kids will dive into deeper learning, explore the real world and really discover what they love.

Challenging problems

Cobb describes one of her more challenging classroom experiments. Students learn about controls, variables and statistics in "Bake Steak," a study in enzyme action.

Everyday science

Science is all around us, and Cobb gets her ideas by looking at the real world around her; grocery stores are one inspiration.

Critical thinking

Ask students to read two or three or more books on a subject, then explore the differences and think about what you know.

INK Think Tank

Cobb talks about the organization of award-winning children's nonfiction authors she co-founded. Together, these authors offer a robust library of rich content area books for teachers and students.

The voice in nonfiction

In good quality nonfiction, the habits of mind and the personality of the author are present.
