Young woman walking by the beach

These stories focus on the college experiences of young Latinos, whether they are on their way to begin college life or are trying to figure out what to do once they arrive. Recommended for grades 10-12.

Adolescence is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. The young people featured in these stories face big changes such as moving to a new neighborhood or adjusting to the loss of a loved one. Recommended for grades 7-12.

Families are complicated. These novels and stories depict complex family relationships for young Latinos who are trying to figure out their place in their family — and in the world. Recommended for grades 7-12.

These novels capture the detail, tension, and experiences of young Latinos and Latin Americans in a wide range of historical settings, including a New York City barrio during World War II and the battle of the Alamo.

From the harrowing trip across the border to teens whose parents are undocumented, these stories explore what the border means to Latino families that have risked everything to achieve the American dream. Recommended for grades 7-12.


Oh, the agony of teen love! Poetry, prom, pride — the highs and lows of young romance are captured in these novels, stories, and poems written by Latino/Chicano authors that are sure to resonate with young teens in (or out of) love.
